
Oh yes we will miss him...

We laugh a lot

Oh my cutest brother ever! It is hard to let him go! Jeddy has finally left on his mission to BIRMINGHAM ALABAMA...For those of you who know and love Jed, you know that this mission fits him perfectly! Camie and I have discussed this a lot and we finally understand why people make such a big deal about their bros going on missions. We have always thought "get over it. What is the big deal, they will be back..." It totally sucks! Jed is the only boy in our family and he is so witty and clever and talented and perfect. I don't know how we are going to live without him. I feel so protective over him. I don't want any of the other boys to be mean to him....I want to be there to beat them up if they are. And what about those big mamas and papas down in Alabama? My friends have come home from their missions and say stuff like..."I was seriously glad when people would throw glass bottles at me because I could hear them coming...You can't really hear when a rock is coming at your head!" What the heck!
I am so proud of him! He is such a good example. He is so obedient and has such an awesome testimony! He makes me want to be a better person and I know Heavenly Father will watch over him for us.
I miss Jedi too! What a fun kid! I'm totally dreading the day that Brooks leaves! I hear his farewell was awesome! Miss you guys
Waaaaaahaaaahaaah. I want him to come back. Dad is struggling, he thinks of Jed mowing the lawn when he looks out the window, can't bear the sight of his truck, is so worried about whether or not he is happy. I am sure he is, but this is going to really be a boring two years. We'll have to entertain ourselves when we go up there now.
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